Using cWhois Domain Cart with Wordpress and other CMS systems
cWhois Domain Cart cannot at present be directly integrated into CMS software such as WordPress, Joomla, CMS Made Simple or other such packages. However there is a way you can have it working on your CMS software.
Using the <iFrame> tag you can include cWhois Domain Cart with very little effort. To do this you need to do the following.
1. Install the cWhois script to your server as you would normally
2. Create a page in your CMS software and edit the content in HTML mode and not WYSIWYG mode.
3. In the content box place an iFrame tag like so:
<iframe src ="http://www.yourdomain.tld/demo.php" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0"> <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> </iframe>
4. Save your page and test it in your browser.
5) Some payment processors such as Paypal don't like being displayed inside an iFrame for security reason so to force it to open in a new window you can add this setting to cwcconf.php
You should always use the full URL in the iFrame to ensure the page is loaded correctly. You can change the width and height of your iFrame to match your site by adjusting the numbers in width="400" height="300"
Once you are setup and running you can edit the cWhois Scripts as normal and your iFrame will pickup the changes automatically.