How to install Sitelok

The video below shows how to install Sitelok on a server using cPanel. Many hosting companies use cPanel now but other hosting control panels will be similar. If you need any help with installation please contact us.
1) Extract the contents of the file to your PC.
2) Login to your servers cPanel and create an empty Mysql database.
3) Create a Mysql user and connect it to the database with full privileges.
4) Go to the folder where you extracted and open the slpw folder. Find slconfig.php and open it in a plain text editor (for example notepad on Windows or TextEdit on a Mac) and you will see the following settings (there may be other settings which you can ignore).
$DbHost='localhost';        // Database host
$DbName='sitelok';          // Database name
$DbUser='username';         // Database username
$DbPassword='password';     // Database user password
Enter the details you used for the Mysql database and Mysql user. On most servers the database host will be localhost but a few may use a different domain.
5) Save the slconfig.php file with your settings.
6) Upload the slpw folder to the root of your site using an FTP client such as Filezilla.
7) In your browser and go to which will start the installation process. If all is well you will see a message saying 'Installation completed successfully'. On some servers install may not have permission to create some required folders in the root of your site or to set write permission on the slpw/email folder. In this case you will be asked to do this manually using your FTP client.
If you see a blank white page when you run install.php then it may be because you have smart quotes instead of normal quotes around the settings in slconfig.php. See this article for more about smart quotes.

8) Go back to your FTP client and delete install.php and upgrade.php from the slpw folder on your server.

9) You can now login to the Sitelok control panel at using the default login admin / letmein. Go to Tools - Configuration and set the Admin email and date format as needed.