Paypal settings for Linklok Paypal
Paypal often change the layout of their dashboard so the location of the settings we use maybe a little different depending on your Paypal account. This screenshot should help you find your way around.
- Login to your Paypal account.
- Click the cog icon in the top right of the home page and click Account Settings.
- Click Website payments in the left hand column
- Click Update next to Instant Payment Notifications. Enable IPN and set the Notification URL to (using your domain name of course)
It should look something like this.
The IPN URL is called by Paypal each time an order is made and Linklok uses this call to send out the download email to the buyer. This happens even if the do not return to your site after making payment.
If you are already using IPN for another script then see the Advanced Features Chapter of the manual for methods to solve this.
Although Linklok will email the download links to the buyer immediately after paying it is a good idea to also return them to your site and provide the download links on a download page also. Linklok uses Paypal's Auto Return and PDT to accomplish this.
Return to the Website payments page and click Update next to Website Preferences.
Enable Auto Return and set the URL to be (setting your site)<br>
Now scroll down the page a little and enable Payment Data Transfer. Click Save to store the settings. Once enabled it should look something like this.
This needs to be added to linklokipn.php in the setting $PDTtoken as follows:-Finally copy to the clipboard the long Identity Token that Paypal displays after you enable PDT.
Of course the value of the token will be different for your Paypal account.
Don't forget to upload the updated linklokipn.php to your server again after setting this.